
Wednesday, 19 July 2017

How to root the Tecno W2 and install Philz recovery

How to root the Tecno W2 and install Philz recovery

This is tutorial i will be guiding through the process of  rooting your Tecno W2. They are many different method available for rooting android devices and also many recovery too, however, in this guide will be using the miracle box.

Before i proceed futher what is really rooting? the answer is very  simple "rooting is just like unlocking the operating system of a device so as to enable install unapproved apps, delete unwanted bloatware, install custom rom , replace the firmware, overclock (or underclock) the processor, writing or changing IMEI, installing fonts, customizing anything and so on"

How to root the Tecno W2

Please the procedure as i will breaking it down here  step by step
  1. Backup or dump your rom ( Tecno w2) with miracle box 2.227 
  2. Download SuperSU 2.78 and save it in the internal storage or memry card
  3. Create a new folder and name it "what you like"
  4. Copy preloader.bin from your Miracle Box backup to your new folder
  5. Download Philz for Tecno W2
  6. Copy the Philz recovery.bin and scatter file from the Philz zip file downloaded above into the your new folder, making peloader.bin, scatter file and recovery.bin (Philz) in the folder
  7. Flash the preloader.bin and recovery.bin using Miracle Box
  8. Boot the phone into recovery mode (Vol up + Power) after flashing
  9. In Philz recovery, you use the Volume buttons to navigate and Power button to select
  10. Select Install Zip
  11. Navigate to the location of the on the SD Card and select it
  12. Wait till flashing is complete
  13. If you are prompted to fix root, select No
  14. Reboot the phone normally
  15. Confirm Root by installing and running Root Checker

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