
Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Infinix X608 Hot 6 Pro Firmware (X608-QL1661D-O-IN-180516V13)

On this page, you will find the direct link to download the INFINIX X608  FACTORY FIRMWARE (X608-QL1661D-O-IN-180516V13) ROM (original firmware). The Stock ROM Package contains Driver, Flash Tool, and Manual.

if you are an experienced software repair engineer, you can go straight to the download button that is at the end of the post to so as to save time. However, if you new or upcoming technician you should consider reading the whole post so as to avoid unnecessary damage or bricks.

Why do you want to flash

phone flashing is the process of rewriting the firmware operating system on a device due to some problem that may have arisen during the process of using the device, some of this problem is as follows. forgotten security, malware commonly called virus effect which ranges from hanging on the logorestarting, auto turn on internet connection, auto turn on WiFi connection, auto app installing. other may be just an upgrade of OS. Remember some problem can be easily solved by just factory reset

Important things to note

they are few important things to note before flashing any firmware so as to avoid bricks of the device. some are listed below
  1. Ensure you don't flash the wrong  build number and the variant of the firmware you are flashing. please read this post by hovatek team or that by
  2. Ensure you have at least 30% to 50% battery charge so as to avoid half flash
  3. please ensure you backup your important file before flashing eg contact, sms and media file (phone, music, and videos)
Requirement before flashing
  1. The device firmware
  2. The chipset flash tools  ( NCK, AVENGER, CM2, SP FLASHTOOL WITH DA)
  3. Good USB cable
  4. Your computer

How to Flash Qualcom Stock Rom: Infinix Hot 6 Pro X608 Firmware

  • Download and install Qualcomm SW Downloader with QFIL and Qualcomm USB Drivers.
  • Turn off the phone. Hold Vol+ button and plug-in USB Cable. The phone will vibrate one time; the screen will be black. It’s Download Mode.
  • There should be the device called in device management:
  • Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COMXX)
  • In any other case, you have to install drivers manually.
  • Run QFIL.
  • Click Browse in Programmer Path and choose prog_emmc_firehose_8916.mbn
  • Load XML in Download Section:
  • First select RawProgram File: rawprogram0.xml
  • then Select Patch File: patch0.xml
  • Check all inputs is correct and click Download under Load XML button and wait about 5 to 10 minutes:
  • After flashing process, starts, it might take up to 5-10 minutes. So, keep patience and wait.
Download INFINIX X608 (X608-QL1661D-O-IN-180516V13
) FACTORY  Firmware

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