
Friday, 18 November 2016

Android adb commands

Here’s a little guide I put together for you to learn basic android adb commands.

I’m posting this thread assuming you already have your SDK set up on your computer

With that said, let’s dive right in!

1. Turn on ADB option on the phone

Go to Menu  on your phone > Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging for android 2.3. .x

2. Running ADB command

Open up command prompt and type your way to the directory you have your SDK in.

Mine is in C:\

So for example, mine would be: cd c:\AndroidSDK/tools

You are now in

3. Basic ADB commands

ADB push (sends files to your phone) — adb push c:\example.apk /sdcard/example.apk

ADB pull (Receives files from your phone) — adb pull /system/app/example.apk c:\example.apk

ADB install (installs application) — adb install c:\example.apk

adb shell (Begins shell connection with phone)

adb reboot (reboots phone)

adb reboot recovery (reboots phone into recovery)

adb reboot bootloader (reboots the phone into bootloader/the white screen)

adb remount (remounts the system)

4. Commands to run while in ADB Shell

cd (changes directories) — cd /system/app

ls (lists all files in the directory) — ls /system/app

rm (removes files) — rm /system/app/example.apk

cp (copies files) similar to cat — cp /system/app/example.apk /sdcard/example.apk

cat (copies files) — cat /system/app/example.apk > /sdcard/example.apk

exit (exits shell) — exit

Might add a little more later if requested/clean it up

Hope you learned something!

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